List of countries by average wage
The average wage is a measure of total income after taxes divided by total number of employees employed. In this article, the average wage is adjusted for living expenses "purchasing power parity" (PPP). This is not to be confused with the average income which is a measure of total income including wage, investment benefit, and other capital gains divided by total number of people in the population including non-working residents. Average wages can differ from median wages; for example, the Social Security Administration estimated that the 2020 average wage in the United States was $53,383, while the 2020 median wage was $34,612.[1]
OECD statistics
The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) dataset contains data on average annual wages for full-time and full-year equivalent employees in the total economy. Average annual wages per full-time equivalent dependent employee are obtained by dividing the national-accounts-based total wage bill by the average number of employees in the total economy, which is then multiplied by the ratio of average usual weekly hours per full-time employee to average usually weekly hours for all employees.
Development of average annual wages 2000–2020 (US$ PPP)[2] 20 00 20 05 20 10 20 10 20 12 20 13 20 14 20 15 20 16 20 17 20 18 20 19 20 20 United States *
55,366 58,092 61,048 61,132 61,634 61,347 62,263 63,845 63,942 64,618 65,303 66,383 69,392 Iceland *
53,810 61,187 51,234 53,452 53,137 53,966 54,736 58,377 62,949 69,051 72,466 70,391 67,488 Luxembourg *
57,100 59,505 63,917 62,955 62,451 63,058 65,379 66,247 66,393 67,393 67,448 66,840 65,854 Switzerland *
56,529 61,063 63,277 63,533 64,582 65,431 65,548 65,910 65,453 65,151 64,963 65,906 64,824 Netherlands *
52,371 54,565 57,959 57,601 57,835 58,035 57,729 58,403 58,604 58,171 57,581 57,475 58,828 Denmark *
46,360 50,879 54,928 54,644 54,570 54,925 55,976 56,960 57,043 57,355 57,794 57,967 58,430 Norway *
38,647 44,438 50,586 42,347 53,777 54,853 55,121 55,404 54,224 54,117 54,691 55,753 55,780 Canada *
44,108 45,824 50,024 50,512 51,289 51,924 52,557 52,968 52,019 52,765 53,730 54,119 55,342 Australia *
45,201 48,615 51,957 53,601 53,919 53,672 54,085 53,636 53,724 53,437 53,515 54,021 55,206 Belgium *
51,922 52,969 53,969 54,520 54,951 55,503 55,809 55,427 55,526 55,130 55,388 56,022 54,237 Germany *
45,584 46,553 47,054 48,026 48,683 49,159 50,001 51,172 51,902 52,454 53,221 54,041 53,745 Austria *
47,860 49,764 52,334 51,755 52,071 52,128 52,310 52,686 53,170 53,136 53,325 53,690 53,132 Ireland *
36,886 42,603 49,665 49,138 48,665 47,437 47,142 47,134 47,812 48,376 48,586 49,509 49,474 United Kingdom *
40,207 45,369 46,863 46,036 45,455 46,036 46,156 46,647 47,181 47,146 47,229 47,937 47,147 Sweden *
34,389 37,650 41,534 42,161 43,080 43,552 44,066 44,719 45,423 45,681 45,917 46,418 47,020 Finland *
38,969 42,357 45,211 45,233 45,280 44,836 44,837 45,194 45,588 45,339 45,771 46,249 46,230 France *
38,782 41,562 44,325 44,256 44,552 44,927 45,237 45,680 46,214 46,852 46,867 47,112 45,581 New Zealand *
32,992 37,372 40,279 40,281 41,147 40,637 40,794 41,503 42,862 43,148 44,121 45,092 45,269 South Korea *
29,238 34,242 36,140 36,617 36,082 37,006 37,105 38,143 39,266 40,216 41,624 42,297 41,960 Slovenia *
28,640 33,233 36,976 36,857 35,730 35,193 35,879 36,636 38,049 38,706 39,038 40,533 41,445 Israel *
36,276 33,774 33,455 33,754 34,300 34,556 34,636 35,627 36,921 37,903 38,811 39,537 39,322 Japan *
38,365 38,879 38,085 38,700 38,058 38,103 37,438 37,265 37,810 37,972 38,462 39,041 38,515 Spain *
38,349 37,825 41,486 40,743 39,606 39,608 39,484 40,072 39,845 39,326 39,033 39,055 37,922 Italy *
39,175 40,350 41,194 40,534 39,255 39,378 39,531 39,878 40,193 39,934 39,985 40,145 37,769 Poland *
21,131 21,996 24,688 24,658 24,406 24,671 25,198 25,854 27,145 28,294 30,212 31,959 32,527 Lithuania *
11,927 18,261 19,742 20,177 20,517 21,321 22,268 23,715 24,982 26,382 27,572 29,695 31,811 Estonia *
12,744 17,661 21,991 21,483 21,808 22,327 23,528 24,633 24,932 26,417 27,920 29,948 30,720 Czech Republic *
17,001 21,981 24,309 24,508 24,558 24,404 24,921 25,660 26,575 27,931 29,421 30,355 29,885 Latvia *
11,759 15,913 19,385 18,698 19,472 20,444 21,899 23,742 25,154 26,128 27,107 28,645 29,876 Portugal *
28,229 28,148 28,792 28,096 26,890 27,406 26,935 26,855 26,699 26,820 27,263 27,978 28,410 Greece *
27,247 32,557 32,422 30,363 28,597 26,729 26,622 26,886 26,268 26,418 26,680 27,010 27,207 Chile *
18,686 19,034 25,246 25,384 26,201 26,876 27,099 27,082 28,252 27,605 28,574 29,579 26,729 Hungary *
16,213 22,097 21,664 21,942 21,211 20,988 20,713 20,873 21,063 22,587 23,722 24,472 25,410 Slovakia *
14,368 16,589 19,858 19,689 19,437 19,590 19,980 20,771 21,430 22,072 22,692 23,438 23,619 Mexico *
16,111 17,484 16,407 16,555 16,258 16,271 16,302 16,516 16,322 16,277 16,637 16,771 16,230